OP/ED: Making choices between treatments or practitioners without solid comparative information. Using products of unknown quality, safety and efficacy from Internet websites or local drug sellers. These are some of the many challenges we face as consumers of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine (TCAM). I recently participated in a WHO workshop in Macao SAR, China, on consumer education and TCAM. Read more
Tags: CAM, China, consumer, David Finer, drugs, education, efficacy, empowerment, health literacy, herbals, information, integrative care, integrative medicine, involvement, Johanna Hök, Macao, medicines, patient, patient safety, pharmaceuticals, quality, research, safety, self-care, TCAM, TM, Torkel Falkenberg, WHO, World Health OrganizationPolarized thinking about complementary, alternative and integrative care is negative, well, downright dangerous. It undermines the health care encounter and harms individuals and nations. This can be read in an opinion piece in the journal European Journal of Integrative Medicine, written by researchers at I C. Read more
Tags: alternative medicine, attitude, CAM, complementary and alternative medicine, CritiCAM, David Finer, ethics, European Journal of Integrative Medicine, health care, health journalism, integrative care, Integrative Care Science Center, Jackie Schwartz, Johanna Hök, Maria Arman, mass media, Media Doctor, nursing, patient, polarization, pseudoscience, sceptics, Tobias Suundberg, Torkel Falkenberg, WHOThe concept of personalized medicine has become synonymous with risk factor identification and treatment. But according to a German study, our understanding of the term is in fact more in line with personal development, integrative care, authenticity, self-determination and wellbeing. Values which we look for in complementary, alternative and integrative care. Read more
Tags: attitude, authenticity, biomarker, Brigitte Franzel, CAM, communication, complementary and alternative medicine, conceptions, cytochrome P450, David Finer, discourse, ethnography, grapefruit, health care, individualized medicine, integrative medicine, meaning, narrative, patient, patient-doctor communication, person-centered, personalized medicine, researchIs the health care system patient-centered? Hardly. Because by definition, if it were, the word itself would be superfluous, right? The concept exists because – as everyone who has ever been a patient or a “significant other” knows to their detriment – health care is a world unto itself, where as a patient, you sometimes feel like an uninvited guest. Read more
Tags: Agency for health care analysis, alternative, Angela Coulter, attitude, communication, compassion, complementary medicine, continuity, ethics, holistic, integrative care, media, option, paternalism, patient, patient satisfaction, patient-centered, professionalism, research, service- I C is just what we have been missing in Sweden. As politicians we will really be able to use your results and I am looking forward to them, says professor of medicine and MP for the Swedish conservative party Finn Bengtsson, at the opening ceremony of I C. Read more
Tags: Antonovsky, Arvid Carlsson, ayurveda, CAM, clinical pharmacology, comprehensibility, Conservative, Conservative Party, conventional medicine, David Finer, Eastern Medicine, Finn Bengtsson, health care, health care system, I C, Integrative Care Science Center, integrative medicine, Johanna Hök, Linköping University, manageability, meaningful, meaningfulness, Member of Parliament, MP, National Board of Health and Welfare, Nobel Prize, patient, patient rights, patient rights law, Riksdag, Riksdagen, salutogenesis, salutogenetic, Sense of Coherence, SOC, Socialstyrelsen, Stockholm, Sveriges Riksdag, TCM, Torkel Falkenberg, United Spaces, Waterfront Building, Western medicine