Alla inlägg om "education"
Policy News27 November, 2014 by David FinerOP/ED: Making choices between treatments or practitioners without solid comparative information. Using products of unknown quality, safety and efficacy from Internet websites or local drug sellers. These are some of the many challenges we face as consumers of traditional, complementary and alternative medicine (TCAM). I recently participated in a WHO workshop in Macao SAR, China, on consumer education and TCAM. Read more 
Tags: CAM, China, consumer, David Finer, drugs, education, efficacy, empowerment, health literacy, herbals, information, integrative care, integrative medicine, involvement, Johanna Hök, Macao, medicines, patient, patient safety, pharmaceuticals, quality, research, safety, self-care, TCAM, TM, Torkel Falkenberg, WHO, World Health Organization
Policy News6 September, 2013 by Torkel FalkenbergDuring the recent state visit of US President Barack Obama to Sweden, there was an almost hour-long press conference during which Obama and Sweden´s PM Fredrik Reinfeldt affirmed their debt of gratitude to each other´s countries in various respects. At I C (Integrative Care Science Center), we view the US as a role model in terms of concerted, long-term and large-scale efforts in the field of complementary, alternative and integrative care/medicine, writes Torkel Falkenberg, Head of I C in an editorial. Read more 
Tags: acupuncture, alternative medicine, anthroposophy, Barack Obama, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, CAM, CAM use, collaboration, complementary and alternative medicine, DNA, drug, editorial, education, Elisabeth Blackburn, evidence, Fredrik Reinfeldt, health care, Hong Kong, I C, integrative care, Integrative Care Science Center, integrative medicine, Middle East, National Board of Health and Welfare, newsletter, pain, patient-doctor communication, prohibition, register, research, stress, telomer, The Integrative Care Science Center, Tieto, Torkel Falkenberg, training, utilization, Vetenskap och Folkbildning, VoF, WHO
Policy News19 September, 2012 by David Finer– In a caring conversation with a patient, we may suddenly see them as fellow human beings with their own life story. That is a good prescription against burnout, said kidney specialist and author Astrid Seeberger during a theme day on altruism in Stockholm recently. Read more 
Tags: adherence, altruism, Astrid Seeberger, brain, Cabaret, care, caring, CCARE, Centre for Compassion and Altruism, clinical encounter, CNS, communication, compassion, compliance, concordance, cyberspace, Dan Hasson, David Finer, diagnosis, education, emotion, empathy, encounter, face to face, feeling, food, generosity, generous, golden rule, guidelines, health promotion, HealthWatch, Jakob Eklund, Karolinska Institutet, kidney, Ludvig Igra, Mälardalens Högskola, mirror neurons, mirroring, MR, MRI, narcotics, Nazi, Nazism, nephrology, nursing, patient-doctor, patient-doctor communication, psychology, reward system, self-compassion, self-esteem, sex, sleep, sociology, Stefan Einhorn, Stockholm University, story, storytelling, stress, stress management, stress research, suicide, sustainability, sustainable, teaching