In reference to the recent articles in the Swedish tabloid newspaper Expressen criticizing certain CAM therapies, the Swedish Minister of Health Göran Hägglund emphasized the need for reliable information, a critical approach and training of health care staff. Associate Professor Torkel Falkenberg, Head of IC, welcomes critical journalism but emphasizes that the newspaper erroneously lumps all CAM therapies together as if they were the same Read more
Tags: Anna Bäsén, bogus, CAM, CAMbrella, David Finer, EU, Expressen, Göran Hägglund, Indian Traditional Medicine, journalism, NAFKAM, pseudoscience, TCM, TM, Torkel Falkenberg, WHO, World Health OrganizationContemporary Sweden is a multicultural and multireligious society. Whether we like it or not. That is the message of the anthology "Holy Health", writes Göran Ståhle, a senior lecturer in the Psychology of Religion at Södertörn University in Stockholm, who is one of the editors of the book. After his article, journalist David Finer provides a description of the contents. Read more
Tags: book review, Christian, church, complementary and alternative medicine, David Finer, exorcism, faith, faith healing, Göran Ståhle, healing, health, holistic, holy, Jessica Morberg, mindfulness, miracle, multicultural, polarization, pseudoscience, psychoiogy of religion, religion, shaman, shamanism, spirits, yogaPolarized thinking about complementary, alternative and integrative care is negative, well, downright dangerous. It undermines the health care encounter and harms individuals and nations. This can be read in an opinion piece in the journal European Journal of Integrative Medicine, written by researchers at I C. Read more
Tags: alternative medicine, attitude, CAM, complementary and alternative medicine, CritiCAM, David Finer, ethics, European Journal of Integrative Medicine, health care, health journalism, integrative care, Integrative Care Science Center, Jackie Schwartz, Johanna Hök, Maria Arman, mass media, Media Doctor, nursing, patient, polarization, pseudoscience, sceptics, Tobias Suundberg, Torkel Falkenberg, WHOComplementary and alternative medicine slips through the cracks of the government agencies, and consumers have to pay. That is why there is a need for sceptics´and consumer organizations. Molecular cell biologist Professor Dan Larhammar, Uppsala University focused on ineffective and fraudulent alternatives in a lecture on the eve of the 15th European Sceptics Congress in Stockholm recently. Read more
Tags: 15th European Skeptics Congress, Almedalen, alternative medicine, bluff, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, CAM, Christer Fuglesang, Christopher Hitchens, Dan Larhammar, David Finer, dissidents, Edzard Ernst, ethics, European Union, evidence, homeopathy, Integrative Care Science Center, marketing, mobbing, National Board of Health and Welfare, Nobel Prize, Olof Palme, Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, persecution, PJ Råsmark, placebo, Police, pseudoscience, Simon Singh, Swedish Food Agency, Swedish Skeptics Association, Trick or Treatment, Vetenskap och Folkbildning, VoF