Scientists are confused about the concept of mindfulness, and overlook its social and existential dimensions. Mindfulness has become commercialized mindlessness and lost its soul. So says Håkan Nilsson at University of Gothenburg, Department of Literature, History of Ideas and Religion in Sweden. Håkan Nilsson is a lecturer in social psychology and the author of the […] Read more
Tags: ACT, body scanning, Buddhism, David Finer, discourse, empathy, ethics, exercise, Existential, Gothenburg University, Håkan Nilsson, health, health care, meaning, mindfulness, religion, social psychology, soul, spirituality, stress, stress management, sustainability, yogaWomen do not integrate conventional and alternative medicine because they think it is a romantic or rebellious thing to do. They do it because they must. Health providers, after all, do not build any bridges. A diary study from Australian reveals the pragmatic approach of older women towards medical pluralism. Researchers view them as role models for all of us as consumers of the future. Read more
Tags: allopathic medicine, alternative medicine, attitude, Australia, autenticity, biomedicine, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, bridging gaps, CAM, complementary and alternative medicine, David Finer, diaries, disease, empowerment, gender, health, home remedies, independence, integrative care, integrative medicine, Internet, knowledge, lay activism, lay knowledge, mass media, meaning, medical pluralism, narrative analysis, natural, nature, network, networking, old wives tales, patient-doctor communication, personalised medicine, pragmatism, qualitative study, resistance, responsibility, self-care, TM, traditonal medicine, wellbeing, women, women´s healthThe concept of personalized medicine has become synonymous with risk factor identification and treatment. But according to a German study, our understanding of the term is in fact more in line with personal development, integrative care, authenticity, self-determination and wellbeing. Values which we look for in complementary, alternative and integrative care. Read more
Tags: attitude, authenticity, biomarker, Brigitte Franzel, CAM, communication, complementary and alternative medicine, conceptions, cytochrome P450, David Finer, discourse, ethnography, grapefruit, health care, individualized medicine, integrative medicine, meaning, narrative, patient, patient-doctor communication, person-centered, personalized medicine, researchA study on participants in clinical trials (“human guinea pigs”) challenges the basic assumption that one can distinguish specific from non-specific treatment effects. It also shows that curiosity, altruism and status-seeking are part of the reason why people take part in clinical trials. Read more
Tags: acupuncture, CAM, choice, clinical trial, communication, David Finer, ECIM, George Lewith, Health Technology Assessment, meaning, orthodox medicine, participation, patient-doctor communication, placebo, treatment effectWorking with patients existential needs is not as hard as some may think, but requires genuine motivation and understanding. It is about doing concrete things to help patients find meaning during an often emotional life transition, says I C staff member and researcher Maria Arman, interviewed by the latest issue of Vidarnytt. Read more
Tags: action research, Albertine Ranheim, applied research, cancer, choice, death, dependence, emotion, Existential, existential nursing, faith, freedom, guilt, health care, hygiene, I C, Integrative Care Science Center, life, life transition, lifeworld, loneliness, love, Maria Arman, meaning, nursing, quality of life, rehabilitative care, togetherness, Vidarkliniken