Contemporary Sweden is a multicultural and multireligious society. Whether we like it or not. That is the message of the anthology "Holy Health", writes Göran Ståhle, a senior lecturer in the Psychology of Religion at Södertörn University in Stockholm, who is one of the editors of the book. After his article, journalist David Finer provides a description of the contents. Read more
Tags: book review, Christian, church, complementary and alternative medicine, David Finer, exorcism, faith, faith healing, Göran Ståhle, healing, health, holistic, holy, Jessica Morberg, mindfulness, miracle, multicultural, polarization, pseudoscience, psychoiogy of religion, religion, shaman, shamanism, spirits, yogaPolarized thinking about complementary, alternative and integrative care is negative, well, downright dangerous. It undermines the health care encounter and harms individuals and nations. This can be read in an opinion piece in the journal European Journal of Integrative Medicine, written by researchers at I C. Read more
Tags: alternative medicine, attitude, CAM, complementary and alternative medicine, CritiCAM, David Finer, ethics, European Journal of Integrative Medicine, health care, health journalism, integrative care, Integrative Care Science Center, Jackie Schwartz, Johanna Hök, Maria Arman, mass media, Media Doctor, nursing, patient, polarization, pseudoscience, sceptics, Tobias Suundberg, Torkel Falkenberg, WHO