Polarized thinking about complementary, alternative and integrative care is negative, well, downright dangerous. It undermines the health care encounter and harms individuals and nations. This can be read in an opinion piece in the journal European Journal of Integrative Medicine, written by researchers at I C. Read more
Tags: alternative medicine, attitude, CAM, complementary and alternative medicine, CritiCAM, David Finer, ethics, European Journal of Integrative Medicine, health care, health journalism, integrative care, Integrative Care Science Center, Jackie Schwartz, Johanna Hök, Maria Arman, mass media, Media Doctor, nursing, patient, polarization, pseudoscience, sceptics, Tobias Suundberg, Torkel Falkenberg, WHO– In a caring conversation with a patient, we may suddenly see them as fellow human beings with their own life story. That is a good prescription against burnout, said kidney specialist and author Astrid Seeberger during a theme day on altruism in Stockholm recently. Read more
Tags: adherence, altruism, Astrid Seeberger, brain, Cabaret, care, caring, CCARE, Centre for Compassion and Altruism, clinical encounter, CNS, communication, compassion, compliance, concordance, cyberspace, Dan Hasson, David Finer, diagnosis, education, emotion, empathy, encounter, face to face, feeling, food, generosity, generous, golden rule, guidelines, health promotion, HealthWatch, Jakob Eklund, Karolinska Institutet, kidney, Ludvig Igra, Mälardalens Högskola, mirror neurons, mirroring, MR, MRI, narcotics, Nazi, Nazism, nephrology, nursing, patient-doctor, patient-doctor communication, psychology, reward system, self-compassion, self-esteem, sex, sleep, sociology, Stefan Einhorn, Stockholm University, story, storytelling, stress, stress management, stress research, suicide, sustainability, sustainable, teachingWorking with patients existential needs is not as hard as some may think, but requires genuine motivation and understanding. It is about doing concrete things to help patients find meaning during an often emotional life transition, says I C staff member and researcher Maria Arman, interviewed by the latest issue of Vidarnytt. Read more
Tags: action research, Albertine Ranheim, applied research, cancer, choice, death, dependence, emotion, Existential, existential nursing, faith, freedom, guilt, health care, hygiene, I C, Integrative Care Science Center, life, life transition, lifeworld, loneliness, love, Maria Arman, meaning, nursing, quality of life, rehabilitative care, togetherness, VidarklinikenPatients and health care staff should communicate more about herbal medicines, says Barbro Gerdén, M.D. at the Swedish Medical Product Agency. Since 2008, there has been an ongoing campaign in USA promoting that message. Read more
Tags: cancer, communication, herbal, I C, Integrative Care Science Center, nursing, over-the-counter, patient-doctor communication