Alla inlägg om "cancer"
Policy News21 March, 2014 by David Finer- From a patient perspective, it is of course encouraging that a usage which has been made an exception for decades now will be accepted, Johanna Hök, pharmacist, PhD and I C researcher comments on the decision by the Swedish Medical Products Agency (MPA) to approve mistletoe preparations for injection. Read more 
Tags: ADR, adverse-drug reactions, anthroposophical integrative care, anthroposophy, autoimmune disease, cancer, Cochrane, contraception, David Finer, evidence, Helixor, herbals, immunomodulator, individualized care, Iscador, Johanna Hök, mistletoe, National Board of Health and Welfare, palliative care, patient-centered, quality of life, side effects, Swedish Medical Products Agency
Policy News19 September, 2012 by Johanna HökWorking with patients existential needs is not as hard as some may think, but requires genuine motivation and understanding. It is about doing concrete things to help patients find meaning during an often emotional life transition, says I C staff member and researcher Maria Arman, interviewed by the latest issue of Vidarnytt. Read more 
Tags: action research, Albertine Ranheim, applied research, cancer, choice, death, dependence, emotion, Existential, existential nursing, faith, freedom, guilt, health care, hygiene, I C, Integrative Care Science Center, life, life transition, lifeworld, loneliness, love, Maria Arman, meaning, nursing, quality of life, rehabilitative care, togetherness, Vidarkliniken
Policy News17 September, 2012 by David FinerPatients and health care staff should communicate more about herbal medicines, says Barbro Gerdén, M.D. at the Swedish Medical Product Agency. Since 2008, there has been an ongoing campaign in USA promoting that message. Read more 
Tags: cancer, communication, herbal, I C, Integrative Care Science Center, nursing, over-the-counter, patient-doctor communication