Homeopathy is generally superior to placebo, particularly in immune-related conditions. But it has been discounted by ideologically biased researchers, who have excluded almost all published studies, referring to virtual data, and using inappropriate statistics, writes physician Robert Hahn in a critical analysis in Forschende Komplementärmedizin. Read more
Tags: alternative medicine, bias, CAM, CI, communication, confidence interval, conflict, controversy, David Finer, Edzard Ernst, evidence, Forschende Komplementärmedizin, homeopathy, ideology, odds ratio, OR, placebo, randomized controlled trial, RCT, review, Robert HahnFailure to integrate conventional and complementary medicine will soon be viewed as unethical. The “magical” effects of homeopathy are attributable solely to the patient-provider relationship. All raw CAM research data should be made publically available. These were three provocative statements formulated during a popular “soapbox” session at the ICCMR 2013 research meeting in London recently. […] Read more
Tags: Andrew Weil, CAM, complementary and alternative medicine, controversy, David Finer, ethics, George Lewith, healthcare crisis, homeopathy, ICCMR, informed consent, integrative care, magic, patient-provider, priorities, research, Torkel Falkenberg